Guideline to Maximize the Benefits of Group Meditation

We have our first meditation in the Chinese School Auditorium and it works out really well. Now that we have a good environment, the following are key points to furthur help with our group practice.

- Be on time (7:00AM)
- Bow when you enter the hall (beginning settling the mind)
- Follow the program schedule
- Listen and follow the bell (remember to turn off cell phone)
- At the end, maintain your mindful (no need to rush), mindful of each movement like stretching, massaging, standing, ...
- Remember to close together by chanting 3 times the triple gems (re-affirming the dedication to the training)

Doing this with RIGHT UNDERSTANDING and correctly, the benefit is tremendous. These will help us even further the benefit of the time we are investing in the group meditation.

If you have any comments or thoughts, do let us know.

Ken & Josten
Click here to leave us your comments.


  1. Great job on keeping up the web site with usefully info. it's very beneficially to the group. I love the audio by Thanissaro Bhikkhu!!

  2. Yes, I was not familiar with Ajahn Thanissaro's online dhamma talks. Thank you for selecting the sequence for us. They are very helpful!


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