WEEK 13: End of the First Half

IMG Notes for August 30, 2009

The IMG extended five hour session began at 7:00 A.M. with a 20 minute audio dharma talk given by Thanissaro Bhikku. The subject of the talk, Befriending The Breath, was an insightful discussion on the importance of learning to be 'friends' with the breath. We all know the paths that some of our 'old friends' can lead us down--those old friends being the unskilful states of mind. Developing a new friendship with the breath can lead us to new friends, and new, skillful states of mind. These skillful states bring us true peace and happiness, but in order to achieve this, we must spend more time with the breath, and develop a lasting friendship with it. We must learn to ignore the call of our old friends while we are cultivating a relationship with our breath. Choosing and developing a friendship with our breath will yield the best friendship that we can ever have.

Group discussion began about 11:00 A.M., and the main subject of interest centered around how to use meditation and mindfulness to deal with the difficult challenges that we all must face in life. It was the general consensus of the group that the effort to meditate is a worthy goal, because in time, the benefits of a solid practice helps us to handle the tough circumstances we sometimes find ourselves confronting.

An announcement was made regarding the group's two week long retreat. The date is set for November 25th through December 9th, 2009. Bhante Seelananda will preside as our teacher for the retreat. So far, four people have committed to attend. In addition, Ken made an announcement that the weekly telephone interviews with Sayadaw Dhammapiya will be suspended for the next two weeks. The group will only have about three more opportunities to interview with Sayadaw before our six months are complete.


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